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2016 Docent Training Produces a Great Team!

SBTHP Receptionist Brittany Sundberg coaches new docents on giving a 10 minute introduction to the Presidio. Photo by Anne Petersen.

SBTHP Receptionist Brittany Sundberg coaches new docents on giving a 10 minute introduction to the Presidio. Photo by Anne Petersen.

In mid-February, the Santa Barbara Trust for Historic Preservation’s Director of Education, Melissa Chatfield began a six-week training course for new docents.  This year’s docent training focused specifically on developing focused, ten-minute demonstrations about various aspects of life in Early California for a third grade audience.    The training built up to one of our largest school programs at El Presidio de Santa Bárbara State Historic Park, called Early California Days.

Principal Colleen Million from the SB Unified School District discusses the developmental ability of eight-year-olds, the target audience for Early California Days. photo by Anne Petersen.

Principal Colleen Million from the SB Unified School District discusses the developmental ability of eight-year-olds, the target audience for Early California Days. Photo by Anne Petersen.

Docent Suzi Calderon Bellman demonstrates laundry and mending practices from Early California in one of the Presidio family gardens at Early California Day.  Photo by Anne Petersen.

Docent Suzi Calderon Bellman demonstrates laundry and mending practices from Early California in one of the Presidio family gardens at Early California Day. Photo by Anne Petersen.

SBTHP’s first Early California Days program of the year on Thursday April 7, and our new docents turned out en force!  We are proud and appreciative of all of our volunteers, who ensured that several hundred Santa Barbara County school children had an excellent experience at the park.

New SBTHP docent Teresa  Eggemeyer getting a great response from students in the Cocina during Early California Days.  Photo by Anne Petersen.

New SBTHP docent Teresa Eggemeyer getting a great response from students in the Cocina during Early California Day. Photo by Anne Petersen.

Would you like to learn more about becoming a docent with the Santa Barbara Trust for Historic Preservation?  You can email Melissa Chatfield at or call her at (805) 965-2004.


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